Friday, November 7, 2008

I Love Taking Shots!

I could use a few after the way this month has been going so far. I started up like $500 and then downswonged a little over $1,100. From there I grinded 25nl-50nl and made it back to peak for the month before finding a huge fish openshoving at 100NL HU. Needless to say some sick shit was going on. Here are just some of the fun hands:

-AK < 34s AIPF
-AK < JJ on K-10-7-2 turn

Whatever. Complaining gets you nowhere, so I have decided to just grind away at 25NL and keep getting in a ton of hands. I'm at like 9,000 on the month so at least I'll be like even in a week, counting rakeback. Anyways...back to the grind. GL

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